I remember the days in my dining table saying " Salt is not enough." I guess the only flavour that I know was SALT. I never remember me saying " Add more Cumin seeds or garlic or ginger or chilli."
It is said that every person is different and each person have their own taste of food. I can now proudly say that I like the flavour of garlic and ginger the most. Chilli is fine. I will prefer ghee rather than butter.
Something that I have explore in the past few days made me realise that I was missing something in my life. So what was that something? Learning how to cook actually taught me how to see the life. I never thought that way before.
Exploring the cookbook and ofcourse youtube for trying new recipe made me realise that Life is also about exploring and understanding what you enjoy the most. If you eat the same food daily of course you will feel bored so why not try something new in life. I wanted to try new things- I tried blogging and now I am starting to enjoy it. Here, I can express the life from my point of view. I am just another human being whose basic aim is to be happy. And here I am being happy.
I think my tongue is far more superior and so called BRAINY than my brain. It knows what I want to eat. Its fairly easy for me to say "I dont like this food." Then why not in life we say " I dont like doing this."
Saying about trying new things, I started reading Novel books. I said to myself " Why not?" I will update you about my progress of reading Novel in the upcoming post.
So its goes to all my friends and whoever is reading this post " Dont be afraid to try new things in life." Life is similar to cooking-you never know you might find the best flavour that you were looking for your whole life.
i lyk al ur blogs a lot